Thursday, July 21, 2005

Hamlet Had It Wrong

The question isn't, to be or not to be? The important question really is: to knit or to blog? Really. Not only is there a learning curve to putting pictures up on this thing, but who knew that three hours would go swirling down the drain the other night as I wrote my last post? Granted, I uploaded a picture, added some links to my sidebar, joined a webring (yay!) and figured out how to get that little "Academics Knit" picture to appear correctly (there were two pictures, one right on top of the other, and it took me a while to figure out how to get rid of the evil twin).

All of which meant that, when I was done, I realized that I was too tired to knit. What?! I realized then that the blogging thing could get completely out of control, with tragic consequences. A sense of restraint, which has never really been an issue for me, was something I had to get for blogging. Put a box of cookies in front of me, and I'll only have two. Open a package of Kit Kats, and I'll have maybe two sticks. (somehow two seems to be the number of moderation for me. so arbitrary! maybe it should be three.) But the blogging? THREE hours is NOT OK.

So, balance is my new mantra. But before I start chanting, I would like to present you the utterly, completely, absolutely finished FO!!!!

Yes, friends and neighbors, it's the Ribbon XBack!

Project specs:

Pattern: Ribbon XBack from the Spring issue of Knitty
Yarn: I lost the labels (I may have misplaced them after the fourth or fifth frogging...), but I am pretty sure that it's On Line Linie 15 Orlando, in light blue (checked the Wiseneedle yarn reviews and then finally tracked it down on Elann.)
Needle size: 10 1/2 circulars from my Boye Interchangeable needle set
Gauge: 12 sts/4"

I think this yarn is discontinued (having dug it out of my lys discount bin); it wasn't easy to find online, but there's still some at Elann, and assorted other sites. It's a nice, lightweight ribbon, but the knit fabric is weighty and stretchy. The designer originally used Katia Ola, and I don't know how it compares to Orlando, but that might be part of the reason I couldn't get this to come out right for soooo loooong. But I doubt it, cuz everyone else on the knitalong was have troubles with this, lordy, lordy.

So I tried my best to get a shot of the back.

Then, I finally got it right.

That's all for tonight, kids. Gotta go get some knitting in. More posting on that new project later.


At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's some mighty nice frogging right there, young missee. Yes sirree, some mighty nice frogging.

At 6:44 AM, Blogger Laura said...

That looks fantastic Olga! Great job with the photos too. I know what you mean about the blogging. Between reading them, and keeping up with my own, it could seriously cut into my knitting time! I'm trying to think of it as giving my hands a rest and preventing repetitive motion injuries. Ha!

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your top looks great!! Congratulations on not only finishing and fitting - but looking great too! (Love the photos of the back - too funny!!)
And I know EXACTLY what you mean - to knit or to blog! Yeesh!

Happy Weekend!

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's very flattering on you too! Love the back shots-too funny.

At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice blog Olga! Great knitted top too! Whatcha gonna make next?

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks beautiful, Olga!
So what's next?


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