Sunday, January 08, 2006

FO Update.

Y'all, I've been away from this blogging thing for so long that I forgot to put the pattern specs on the Flared Lace Smoke Ring. So I updated my last post with the necessary details.

I've had a couple of comments about the ass-kicking potential of the Smoke Ring that I mentioned earlier. Don't let this put you off, if you're interested in knitting this beautiful piece! It does take forever because it's lace and itty bitty yarn, but the pattern becomes memorizable after the first 1/3, because it doesn't change after that. Heather and I joked that we had to sit in front of the pattern, with no distractions, repeating the chart out loud to ourselves in order to stay on track. After I'd been knitting on it for a while, though, I just fell into a groove and didn't even have to look at the chart anymore.

So, go for it, if it's calling your name. Just don't start it right before Christmas!


At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

O my gosh, your smoke ring turned out SO good! I like yours better than mine!


You have inspired me to finish the damn thing if it kills me.

At 1:31 AM, Blogger chris said...

Happy New Year, sweetie!! Your Flared Smoke Ring turned out SOO gorgeous!! Late or not, your mom must be so thrilled. Beautiful, beautiful work, missy. I've sure missed your posts! I'll be back soon to catch up on all the ones I missed....and to post my memory. I need a little time to reminisce first. ;-) Take care! :-)


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