Sunday, July 23, 2006

And the winner is....


Lovely Mazhalai, send an email with your address to lilytx at yahoo dot com, and I'll get out your delicious Claudia's Handpainted sock yarn in Purple Midnight lickety split! It's going to be hard to part with this, I tell ya...I may have to visit Hill Country Weavers again to see if they have any more skeins hiding somewhere!

The rest of you should boogie on over to her blog to check out her very funny and clever Amazing Lace post!

Seriously, though, it was such fun to host this contest and see all my regular peeps stop by to say hi, plus regular peeps who never comment and delurked shamelessly for yarn (you know who you are, wink wink) and a few brand new peeps thrown in there for good measure. I spent all afternoon yesterday at Flightpath cafe stalking y'alls blogs and adding subscriptions to my Bloglines, so that I will now NEVER get any work done on my dissertation, but will be very caught up with all my knittaz.

If I may get sappy for a brief minute, it's been so great to get to know the people I have over the past year, and to develop real friendships, and to learn a tremendous lot about knitting from all of you. From the moment my blogging godmother Heather generously posted pictures of my Viennese Shrug, I've been constantly amazed by the sweetness and supportiveness of this community.

Snurfle. OK, sappy minute's over! I have a little consolation treat for all of you who did not win yarn...all right, you too, Mazhalai! Hustle on over to my boy's blog for his special recipe for infused blueberry vanilla me, this stuff is fantastic. He whips up various different blends for one of Austin's fine eating establishments (kiwi and strawberry tequila was the latest), and each one of these concoctions sells out every weekend it's available.



At 11:13 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

That bourbon sounds yummy!

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Whoa. I am not a Brown Liquor drinker as a rule, but that sounds awesome. I DEFINITELY would love those infused vodkas though!


At 6:15 PM, Blogger Ashley said...

Sniff...the blogs...LOVE the blogs.

And to think that I was secretly totally embarrased when Alex and Vim outed me as a blogger at Quacks that day...

At 6:31 PM, Blogger Karen said...

Awww, aren't you a sweetie!!! It's always great to read your blog too - you're always very entertaining. And you knit cool stuff. :)

At 12:04 PM, Blogger test said...

woohooo!! i won :)

At 1:09 PM, Blogger KODACHROME said...

Yes, I was one of the regular readers who finally delurked for some yarn. Shameless, I know, but sadly true.

I actually discovered your blog through "Dogged Knits" (great quilt, Ashley!) and have never left a comment on her blog either. But this doesn't mean I'm not a big fan of both of yours; it just means that I only recently started blogging myself and so, in some ways, I feel/felt like an 'outsider' to the wonderful knitting community you mention in your post.

However, I got tired of only always reading blogs, and really wanted, in some ways, to be a part of the knitting community, especially given that I've recently moved from Canada to the Southwest and thus have found myself without my usual friends and family near...

In any case, that was more info than you needed. What I really want to say today is this: "I can't wait to try out the Blueberry-Vanilla Bourbon!!" This looks like a fantastic recipe, and I have a bottle of bourbon (gifted) that I never use. So hey, in two weeks, any comments that I might leave will most likely make no sense given I'll be sipping delicious blueberry bourbon each night...thanks to your "boy's blog"-- :)


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