A Season in Purgatory
So, what kind of knitting does one do while one bides one's time in the flames of purgatory? Ahem, I mean, Austin, Texas? Well, seeing as how it's held steady at about 105 for the past few days, the only thing that might be bearable are pasties. Except that, well, society frowns upon them being worn outside of the strip club. And besides, how would you get them to stick on?What you do is you compromise, and knit lovely tanks made of cotton. You might try Orangina, for example.

Pattern: Orangina, by Stephanie Japel
Yarn: 4 balls of Karabella Vintage Cotton, color 365
Needles: size 3 Boye interchangeables
My photos are an experiment in impressionism, since my roommate was out and I had to come up with creative ways to get some pictures.
About Orangina--I absolutely love this finished product. It's maybe my most favorite thing I've knitted so far (the other would be a hooded sweater made of Manos del Uruguay yarn and have I told you about the weather?). This fits perfectly. I think I lucked out here, because I've read that others have made adjustments to get it long enough, but I'm short, and I suppose I must have a short waist, because I didn't change a thing in the pattern, except to decrease two stitches when I got to the ribbing because the 3x3 rib wasn't coming out evenly.
Another reason to celebrate: this was my first sucessful blocking attempt! I've tried blocking cotton before, but with no luck. This time, it was like magic! Knitting the lace made the fabric puffy in certain places, but all I did was run the finished piece under the shower for a few seconds, then pinned it out on my bed with a towel, and voila! Perfection!
Update: Y'all! A cold front has hit Austin! We are down to 73 degrees right now as I write! Those of you from northern climes may be snickering at my use of the phrase "cold front." Yes, snicker all you want, as you sip your hot chocolate and wrap your handknit chunky wool sweaters closer around you. Cold front is the precise meteorological phrase being used by our forecasters to describe the gloomy weather that will today rise to 82 degrees. I don't even know what to do with myself...where are my winter jackets?
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You said "y'all"!!!!
Obviously this heat is messin wit-chyur Chicaugo accent. 'sup? You need a couple, tree days at home?
We're getting a WARM front -- 70's all weekend!
Love Love Love your Orangina! It looks so pretty. I am so so so sorry about the nasty weather down there. I would never make it. Here in Cleveland, it's about 60 degrees today. Perfect autumn weather. Sorry.
You and your orangina are lookin' hot! Woo!
Love it.
Enjoy your "cold" front!
Orangina looks great! I love the color you chose. Bet you're glad that one's done, eh? I feel your pain about the weather, which naturally has been just as miserable here in Houston. It was nicer the past couple of days, though - meaning the highs were in the high 80s instead of around 100. I long for a real autumn too... one in which I can knit and wear chunky sweaters. :)
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